Village Updates

Over the next few weeks - Laurium will begin ushering in a new era, while still embracing its past. I am excited to announce that over the course of the next month, the village will begin updating numerous aspects throughout the village.

First, the village will be installing new playground equipment at the Gipp Recreation Area. A good portion of the playground equipment is being paid via a grant that the village was awarded. This should hopefully be completed by early to mid June. We will hold a grand opening once the project is complete.

Second, the old vintage Police sign that was once hanging off of the Village Hall will be getting hung back up and officially put back into action hopefully by mid-June. We look forward to having a little piece of history brought back to life and lighting up against the Village Hall. If you have any old pictures of the Police sign being lit up from back in the day, please share your photos in the comments below. Let’s relive some of the village’s history together.

Third, Daniell Park will be officially getting its sprinkler system installed this month as well. This project was also fully funded via a local grant. We look forward to beautifying Daniell Park.

Fourth, the Village Hall will begin putting in its new windows and doors this month. This project was fully funded via an FDCVT grant and is expected to start at the end of June. The project will continue throughout the entire summer.

Lastly, Copper Country Sweets will officially be opening its doors on June 8th at 9:00AM. Please help us welcome this new Laurium Bakery to our community during their grand opening ceremony on June 8th at 9:00AM.

As we continue to move Laurium forward, I want to continue hearing from you the community. Let’s keep improving our community by collaborating together.

-Ian Lewis, Village Manager


NOTICE (Laurium Property Owners):


May Planning Commission Meeting Cancelled